Fall Game Report

A. Game Information

Game Date:(*)
Please add a value for Game Date.

Game Time:(*)
Please enter the game time.

Game Field:(*)
Please add a value for Game Field.

Your Team:(*)
Please add a value for Your Team.

Your District(*)
Please select your district

Opponent Team:(*)
Please add a value for Opponent Team.

Opponent District(*)
Please add a value for Opponent Team district.

Your Score:(*)
Please add a value for Your Score.

Opponent Score:(*)
Please add a value for Opponent Score.

B. 10 Play Information

Ten plays per game and coach must upload a copy of this weeks 10 play sheet.

Minimum Play Report
Please upload a copy of your minimum play sheet

Choose file above to upload your 10 Play Minimum Play Report

Who completed this weeks 10 play sheet?
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Did you have any Injuries in this week’s Games?(*)
Please select a value for is injury occur.

Did you have any Ejections in this week’s Games?(*)
Please add a value for.

C. All Stars

Please enter the jersey numbers of the 4 players from the opposing team you wish to nominate for Allstar selection

1st Allstar nomination(*)
Invalid Input

2nd Allstar nomination(*)
Invalid Input

3rd Allstar nomination(*)
Invalid Input

4th Allstar nomination(*)
Invalid Input

E. Officials

Please rank your Uniformed Game Officials below on the following scale: 5-great,4-above average,3-average,2-below average,1-poor

White Hat Rank:(*)
Please add a value for white hat rank.

Umpire Rank:(*)
Please add a value for umpire rank.

Head Linesman:(*)
Please add a value for head linesman.

Please add a value for linesman.

Invalid Input

Please rate your opponents sportsmanship as follows: 10-excellent,.....5-above,.....1-poor

Rate your opponents Parents sportsmanship on a scale of 1 to 10 using the drop down(*)
Please add a value for white hat rank.

Rate your opponents Coaching Staff sportsmanship on a scale of 1 to 10 using the drop down(*)
Please add a value for umpire rank.

Rate your opponents Players sportsmanship on a scale of 1 to 10 using the drop down(*)
Please add a value for head linesman.

is not a valid e-mail address.


NMAYFL offers training at all levels of play including for Coaches and league officials. Contact our league office for details on how to sign up for our training programs or if you are a certified trainer we would love to talk to you about joining our community.

Learn More


Dicks Sporting Goods is a proud sponsor of NMYAFL

XL Sports Photography is a proud sponsor of NMYAFL

First Impressions is a proud sponsor of NMYAFL

Davis Miles Attorneys are a proud sponsor of NMYAFL

Accent Southwest Windows & Doors is a proud sponsor of NMYAFL

New Mexico Young America Football League
Highlights and Live Streamed Games


New Mexico Young America Football League
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